Beo cake is a popular dish in Vietnam; however, processing methods and taste are different in different localities. Above all, Hue Beo cake, which contributes to enrich the culinary treasures of Hue is the best-known.
In Hue, Beo cake is ubiquitously sold. In overall, the most popular Beo cake restaurant is Hang Me. Besides, there are also some old restaurants like Ngu Binh and Tay Thuong.
Beo cake is a casual food right from the name. This name reminds of simple, slim and small things as Water-fern in village ponds, lakes in remote location.
Beo cake is made from rice flour with dried shrimp, shallots and fried pork fat that severed with sweet fish sauce. There are 2 types of bread: Small bowl Beo cake and others. Moulds to make small bowl Beo cake small bowl. That kind of Beo cake is thick and easy to sate. Other Beo cake is is small and thin that is molded by aluminum patterns and presented in in dish with many stacked cakes.
The white cake with red dried shrimp creates a delicious look. Beo cake sauce is fish sauce with chopped chilies and garlics that is meticulously mixed. Especially, eaters can drink this sauce without fearing salty taste.
In addition to eye-catching color, strong taste of the local flavor is unforgettable.
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